Fiber FAQs

Steps to Fiber

Step 1

Sandhill Will be Placing Fiber Along the Road

This is the major step in bringing fiber to your area.

construction worker sign on side of road

We will build the main fiber line, connecting it to our network. It is just like a roadway system where each neighbor feeds back into the core fiber connection and out to the world.

Who’s Been In My Yard?

Don’t worry – coming home to different colored paint in your yard is a good thing, that means the process has started with the utility companies and they have marked their lines of service that run to your home. That way, when we start digging for our fiber lines, we will not cut off any utilities to your home or hit a gas line.

Step 2

Sandhill’s Fiber Drops

After the fiber has been placed along the road, our crew will bring a fiber line from the main line to your home.

man working on electric box outside

The Sandhill team will plow a small line from the curb of your home, burying the fiber line as they go. You should see little disturbance to your yard.

Step 3

Sandhill’s Installation

This is the final step in the construction process.

internet router box

Sandhill technicians will make an appointment to install the fiber connection inside your home. This includes switching all services from your current copper connection and ensuring the WiFi network is up and running.

Will there be any change to my internet service?

Faster Internet speeds will be available to you! Up to 1 Gigabyte per second! With fiber, you can upgrade your speed and experience even more reliable service. Our Customer Service Representatives are available to answer any questions you may have regarding faster Internet speeds and pricing.

Will my phone service change?

With your new Sandhill Fiber connection you will receive crystal clear voice services. Plus, you can continue to use your existing phone, there’s no need to purchase new phones.

Will my services be interrupted?

We don’t anticipate extended disruption to your services. During installation, there may be temporary disruption to your services, but we will make every attempt to minimize the inconvenience.

Will you dig up my yard?

Yes, it will be necessary to bury the fiber to your home. A Sandhill representative will contact you before digging takes place.

Do I have to be home when you install the fiber?

Sandhill representative will need to come into your home so they can analyze the best location to install the equipment. It will not be necessary to be present while we complete the fiber connection as we will be moving around the exterior of your home. Don’t worry, Sandhill will never enter your home without you present.

How does the weather affect the project?

While we will do our best to complete the project in a timely fashion, weather can affect how quickly we can lay the fiber. Heavy rain, lightning, snowfall, or sub-freezing temperatures can cause dangerous conditions for our crews.