Step 1
Sandhill Will be Placing Fiber Along the Road
This is the major step in bringing fiber to your area.

We will build the main fiber line, connecting it to our network. It is just like a roadway system where each neighbor feeds back into the core fiber connection and out to the world.
Who’s Been In My Yard?
Don’t worry – coming home to different colored paint in your yard is a good thing, that means the process has started with the utility companies and they have marked their lines of service that run to your home. That way, when we start digging for our fiber lines, we will not cut off any utilities to your home or hit a gas line.
Step 2
Sandhill’s Fiber Drops
After the fiber has been placed along the road, our crew will bring a fiber line from the main line to your home.

The Sandhill team will plow a small line from the curb of your home, burying the fiber line as they go. You should see little disturbance to your yard.
Step 3
Sandhill’s Installation
This is the final step in the construction process.

Sandhill technicians will make an appointment to install the fiber connection inside your home. This includes switching all services from your current copper connection and ensuring the WiFi network is up and running.