Big Work in Store for 2018

With 2017 in the rear view mirror, we have several ongoing projects as well as new projects in the works at Sandhill for 2018. We have added over 65 miles of fiber and plan to continue that pace this year. With new equipment in all of our main offices, we can begin the large task of transitioning many of our services. This will allow us to provide higher speeds to businesses and eventually to residential customers.
Sandhill’s goal is to maintain all equipment especially during the winter months when icy weather conditions may occur. Sandhill strives to make sure you can still reach emergency services on your phone line, even if the power is out in your home. We have a 24/7 support staff monitoring these systems to ensure the needs of the community are met. We now have additional ways to monitor our equipment to keep your phone, TV, internet, and security systems working.
On another note, we have completed most of our negotiations with local television stations in our area. Many of the homes in our area cannot get great television reception even with an antenna, which is why we stepped in to assist our Members when television became digital. These local stations are now demanding huge price increases from all subscribers to watch the same programming you watched last year. The price increases not only impact us, but they impact companies like Dish and DirectTV as well. While we wish to continue to offer the best product we can at the lowest price, we are forced to make some tough decisions over the next few months.
Thank you all for continuing to be Members of Sandhill and we look forward to serving you again this year.
Lee Chambers
CEO/General Manager