Manager’s Report – November 2017

Lee Chambers portrait
Lee Chambers, CEO/General Manager

We are down to the final 2 months of 2017! While holiday preparations are being made, Sandhill is continuing to expand our fiber network and implement new services for our Members. With most of the work completed in the town of Chesterfield, we have crews actively working in the town of Pageland on our Fiber To The Home project. Once completed, our two largest towns will be 100% fiber with more fiber being added in the more rural parts of our service area each month. The FTTH project in Pageland will stretch over the next two years in order for us to reach all areas. Sandhill has worked diligently the past 5 years in order to get the FTTH project up and running. I would like to commend all the employees for their hard work and dedication in getting us here.

In addition to the continued fiber work, Sandhill is expanding its Security lineup to include more devices and features. Interactive displays will be installed in all our offices showcasing our security products, so be sure and be on the lookout. For IPTV subscribers, a new feature is coming in 2018 that will make watching your TV favorite shows even easier by allowing you to stream TV from anywhere. Stay tuned for more details on all these projects in the months ahead by checking or visiting our Facebook page.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Sandhill is continuing our toy and food drive to help those in our area that are in need. Spend $10 on non perishable food items or toys, bring in your receipt and you will receive a $20 bill credit on your next month’s bill. We have collection sites in all four of our offices. In honor of Veterans Day, Sandhill is hosting a breakfast next Wednesday, November 8, to thank our local Veterans for their service and sacrifice allowing us to be grateful each day for the blessings we have living in this country. Tickets can be picked up at all four offices as well as the Veterans Affairs office in Chesterfield. Please contact our office for more information on ways to give back to our community.

Calvin Sims headshotFinally, I would like to introduce Calvin Sims, representing the Pageland Exchange, as the new Sandhill Board of Director. He is a 1977 Graduate of the University of South Carolina with a degree in Business Administration. Mr. Sims retired in March 2017, after decades of providing services for local residents, from Sims-Thaxton Insurance Group. “My educational background and record of success in managing a business and serving customers for more than 40 years helps me to be qualified to fill the Pageland Board seat. I will represent members fairly and honestly, and treat them the way that I would like to be treated” says Sims. He and his wife, Debbie, are the parents of two children as well as proud Grandparents. The Sims’ are members of the First Baptist Church in Pageland. Welcome to the Cooperative Family!

We appreciate your patronage to Sandhill and thank you for subscribing to our services.

Lee Chambers
CEO/General Manager