Typically at the first of each month I like to provide an update on what we have done for our Members or some new information on a service that we offer. However, this month I would like to focus on our community involvement.
As a company whose employees live, work and shop with our Members, it is important to Sandhill that we give back to the community as much as we can. Each year we participate in and organize several events to have a chance to serve our Members. This month, we began our second annual toy and food drive, with Blessings Resource Center, to benefit local families in need of some extra help during this holiday season. We are also hosting our third annual Veterans Breakfast in Jefferson to honor those who have fought for our country and allow us the privilege of living in a free society. This year will be particularly important for the employees at Sandhill as we plan to honor our friend, coworker, and Veteran Buck White who passed away after last year’s event. On December 4, we will host our annual Santa@Sandhill event. We look forward to all the children in the area coming to tell old St. Nick what they want for Christmas while they enjoy cookies and a movie.
On top of things like this, we also contribute to our local schools and community organizations that help make our county a great place to live. I had the honor of speaking last month at the Pageland Lion’s club and provided information on what Sandhill is doing each and every day for our community. A lot of good questions come out of meetings like these and we are happy to help whenever we can.
As we approach Thanksgiving, we here at Sandhill continue to be thankful that we are able to support our local communities and look forward to more opportunities in the future.
P.S. Be on the lookout for some exciting news concerning free residential long distance and Gigabit fiber speeds coming soon!
Lee Chambers
CEO/General Manager